Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How the Greatest Generation Made the Baby Boom into a Moveable Feast

In 2006, an amazon.com customer looked for a book called Eating Their Young: The Birth and Rape of the Baby Boom. That book was based primarily on the future of Social Security, and was necessarily more limited in scope. This all new Eating Their Young, by a co-author of the original, deals with all the factors contributing to current Baby Boomer distress.

Not much has changed since the title was tossed around on Ted Koppel’s show...except for the worse. Here’s what, where, why, when and how their parents ate the Baby Boomers’ lunch!

Eating Their Young: How the Greatest Generation Made The Baby Boom into a Moveable Feast

This informative volume goes beyond the Social Security system, and addresses the inequities the WWII generation built into American life, and how these inequities affect the Baby Boom--their children--and their children's children and beyond.

If you're a Boomer, this book will make you angry, possibly angry enough to finally get your fair share and to redirect the bashing where it belongs.

If you're the parent of a Boomer, this book will make you angry. Deal with it.

If you are Gen X, Y or Jones, this book will help you understand who deserves your anger...so you can move on.

Visit the Muffin Dog Press blogsite to read an excerpt. Check back here often for updated commentary and to leave your own comments.

Time for Boomers to rise again...in our own best interests!

If you're sick of being blamed for all the world's ills, be advised: It is NOT your fault. Eating Their Young: How the Greatest Generation Made the Baby Boom into a Moveable Feast, tells exactly how the misnamed Greatest Generation set us up for the fall...and all our progeny to boot. Your ammunition for self-protection--and for a change, feeling good about your generation--is in this book.

Buy it now; protect yourself from lies and distortions from this moment on!

Order direct, below.