Thursday, July 14, 2011

How Monsanto genes grew into DC monsters

Monsters by Matte (Wiki Commons)

Yesterday, I wrote about the capitulation of three of the largest organic food companies to Monsanto’s horrific pesticide, Roundup, by agreeing tacitly to allow a level of United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) approval for Roundup Ready alfalfa. 

There are, of course, many vectors that caused those organic companies to do as they did. Whole Foods claimed it was a tactical maneuver, intended to keep even worse things from happening to the animal feed industry in the United States. I think, during World War II, such actions regarding Hitler’s drive for world domination were called appeasement.

Regardless of the intentions of Whole Foods Market and their partners in capitulation to Monsanto, there is probably only one thing any thinking person needs to know about how Monsanto became the de facto USDA. It is this:
Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas was an attorney in Monsanto’s corporate-law department in the 1970s. He wrote the Supreme Court opinion in a crucial G.M.-seed patent-rights case in 2001 that benefited Monsanto and all G.M.-seed companies.
That was from a long and well-researched article in Vanity Fair in May, 2008 by  Donald L. Bartlett and James B. Steele. (Read the entire article here.)

The strange bedfellows who warmed Vilsack’s sheets
Bartlett and Steele link Monsanto firmly not only to Daddy Bush’s regime, in which Thomas was appointed to the Court and confirmed by a gormless Congress, but to Junior Bush, who carried the torch for the Greatest Generation of Corporate Criminals admirable. The Greatest Generation could not have chosen a better shill than Boy George to infect the once-activist Baby Boom with its father’s dedication to the rise of a corporatocracy.  Boy George supposedly served during Vietnam; he was ONE OF US, a sham to which unfortunately many Baby Boomers responded. (John Kerry actually did serve in Vietnam, but Boy George found a way to shoot him down, amazingly, since Boy George had no actual working knowledge of the military, having been unaccountably absent and/or on extended leave from his stateside place-holder assignment. But then, it wasn’t military tactics they were using, but Orwellian dishonesty, pure and simple.)

Boy George’s hand-picked warmonger, Donald Rumsfeld (born on the cusp of the Greatest Generation), was well-connected to Monsanto. Here’s how:
Rumsfeld was chairman and C.E.O. of the pharmaceutical maker G. D. Searle & Co. when Monsanto acquired Searle in 1985, after Searle had experienced difficulty in finding a buyer. Rumsfeld’s stock and options in Searle were valued at $12 million at the time of the sale. (Bartlett and Steele, 2008)
That’s just a small part of the USDA/Monsanto breeding program that ended in Mr. Obam'as ineffective choice, Tom Vilsack. Its effects, and the effects of other Greatest Generation maneuvers against their children and grandchildren, are exposed in Eating Their Young: How the Greatest Generation Made the Baby Boom Into a Moveable Feast.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Consumers (Vil)sacked by Big Ag again, with the help of the Whole Foods Market and friends

When pigs fly.......(Wiki Commons image)

By Laura Harrison McBride, editor/publisher of Eating Their Young: How the Greatest Generation Made the Baby Boom Into a Moveable Feast.

It happened in January, 2011, just in time for the growing season being harvested now. Whole Foods Market (WFM), Organic Valley and Stoneyfield Farms tacitly approved the use of the scourge of the earth, another Roundup Ready crop, in this case Monsanto’s Roundup Ready alfalfa.  So what? People don’t eat alfalfa, you say.

Horses do.

But people don’t eat horses, not in America, you note. And Roundup is not used in France where horses do enter the food chain in significant numbers.

You are what you eat, just as, the Age of AIDs, you sleep with everyone the person you slept with has slept with. Just so, you eat whatever what you eat has eaten. In America, alfalfa is a great part of the feed of many animals raised for food, both by Big Ag conglomerates and by organic farms. 

In her book, Eating Their Young: How the Greatest Generation Made the Baby Boom into a Moveable Feast, author Bryce Webster notes that in 2003, according to the conservative publication National Review, “only two percent of American farms were organic,  hardly a major threat to agribusiness. But any threat to the status quo is taken very seriously by the food conglomerates and, since they have the lobbying power and organic producers dont, guess who wins?” She notes that the astronomical growth in the size and power of the USDA, and its increasingly corporate toadying, happened when the so-called Greatest Generation was ascendant.  Profits were king; human values? Not so much.

Big Ag, 1: Humanity, 0
With Whole Foods Market, Organic Valley and Stoneyfield Farms capitulating, it would seem that Big Ag has all but won, with the help of Mr. Obama’s hand-picked USDA chief, Tom Vilsack, definitely a disappointment in his catering to Big Ag at the expense of sustainability and any retrenchment from the industrial-strength farm policies of Mr. Bush’s administration.

An article on the Foodfreedom blog notes that WFM, under cover of a mealy-mouthed explanation for a retreat from the front-lines of food sanity, had approved of the USDA’s “conditional deregulation” of Monsanto’s “genetically engineered, herbicide-resistant alfalfa.”

What does this mean? Simply that Monsanto, which has been cited more than once for its draconian tactics regarding farmers’ rights to plant whatever they like (click here, here and here for examples), can spread the alfalfa and its mutant genes across the land…where those genes will escape through a variety of vectors to contaminate the alfalfa fed to organic animals.

Whether you eat it or breathe it, tinkered-with food is deadly
It is difficult to say which is worse, the food-chain contamination organic growers have been fighting for decades, or the “massive poisoning of farm workers and destruction of the essential soil food web by the toxic herbicide, Roundup” and the inevitable appearance, in time, of “Roundup-resistant superweeds that will require even more deadly herbicides such as 2,4 D to be sprayed on millions of acres of alfalfa across the U.S.,” according to the Foodfreedom writer, Ronnie Cummins.

Cummins also noted that “a recent large-scale Swedish study found that spraying Roundup doubles farm workers’ and rural residents’ risk of getting cancer’.”

Risks of disease and death from agricultural chemicals has long been known, however.  Webster writes, “In October 1956, malathion sprayed to combat a fruit fly infestation affected people with asthma and caused skin rashes, A year later, “A Business Week columnist reported in September…that sixty persons near Glen Allan, a small Mississippi community near Greenville, were ill with a fevers of 105 degrees and suffered from asthmatic breathing, various flu-like symptoms, and some pneumonia.” The doctor who treated the victims, Webster reports, announced that spraying the cotton fields with insecticides had cuased the outbreak.

WFM claimed the high road in all this. It said it expected the USDA to regulate Monsanto, not cheerlead for it.

And a lot of us are still looking forward to seeing pigs fly…although with genetic engineering, that ludicrous event might not be as far-fetched as expecting your father’s USDA to do the right thing.

Time for Boomers to rise our own best interests!

If you're sick of being blamed for all the world's ills, be advised: It is NOT your fault. Eating Their Young: How the Greatest Generation Made the Baby Boom into a Moveable Feast, tells exactly how the misnamed Greatest Generation set us up for the fall...and all our progeny to boot. Your ammunition for self-protection--and for a change, feeling good about your generation--is in this book.

Buy it now; protect yourself from lies and distortions from this moment on!

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